Transposed Line in Power System
As the mutual influence of electric circuits can change after new lines are installed or old lines dismantled, certain transpositions may disappear or be added after new construction in electricity mains. In the case of a twisted line the individual conductors of an electric circuit swap places, either in their whole course (at cables) or at certain points (at overhead lines). The mutual influence of electrical conductors is reduced by transposing. The unbalance of the line, which can lead to one-sided loads in three-phase systems, is also reduced. Transposing of overhead lines is usually realized at so-called transposing pylons. Transposing is an effective measure for the reduction of inductively linked normal mode interferences.
A transposing scheme is a pattern by which the conductors of overhead power lines are transposed at transposing structures. In order to ensure balanced capacitance of a three-phase line, each of the three conductors must hang once at each position of the overhead line.
At a transposition tower,
the conductors change their relative places in the line. A transposing
structure may be a standard structure with special cross arms, or may
a dead-end structure. The transposing is necessary as there is
capacitance between conductors, as well as between conductors and
ground. This is typically not symmetrical across phases. By transposing,
the overall capacitance for the whole line is approximately balanced. Transposing also reduce effects related to interference in communications circuits.
Inductance of Three-Phase Lines with Asymmetrical Spacing
It is rather difficult to
maintain symmetrical spacing as shown in Fig. 1.6 while constructing a
transmission line. With asymmetrical spacing between the phases, the
voltage drop due to line inductance will be unbalanced even when the
line currents are balanced. Consider the three-phase asymmetrically
spaced line shown in Fig. 1.7 in which the radius of each conductor is
assumed to be r . The distances between the phases are denoted by Dab, Dbc and Dca. We then get the following flux linkages for the three phases
Fig. 1.7 Three-phase asymmetrically spaced line.
Let us define the following operator
Note that for the above operator the following relations hold
Let as assume that the current are balanced. We can then write
Substituting the above two expressions in (1.31) to (1.33) we get the inductance of the three phases as
It can be seen that the inductance contain imaginary terms. The imaginary terms will vanish only when Dab= Dbc= Dca.
The inductance that are given in (1.06) to (1.08)
are undesirable as they result in an unbalanced circuit configuration.
One way of restoring the balanced nature of the circuit is to exchange
the positions of the conductors at regular intervals. This is called
transposition of line and is shown in Fig.1.8. In this
each segment of the line is divided into three equal sub-segments. The
conductors of each of the phases a, b and c are exchanged after every
sub-segment such that each of them is placed in each of the three
positions once in the entire segment. For example, the conductor of the
phase-a occupies positions in the sequence 1, 2 and 3 in the three
sub-segments while that of the phase-b occupies 2, 3 and 1. The
transmission line consists of several such segments.
Fig. 1.8 A segment of a transposed line.
In a transposed line, each
phase takes all the three positions. The per phase inductance is the
average value of the three inductance calculated in (1.06) to (1.08).
We therefore have
This implies
From (1.35) we have a + a2 = - 1. Substituting this in the above equation we get
The above equation can be simplified as
Defining the geometric mean distance ( GMD ) as
equation (1.11) can be rewritten as
Notice that (1.13) is of the
same form as for symmetrically spaced conductors. Comparing
these two equations we can conclude that GMD can be construed as the equivalent conductor spacing. The GMD is the cube root of the product of conductor spacings.
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